Delivery rates & timeframes


Country / Region Delivery Time (Business Days) Delivery Fee Delivers From
United States 3 - 5 days FREE* United States
Germany 1 - 2 days FREE* Germany
United Kingdom 2 - 5 days FREE* United Kingdom
Canada 1 - 4 days FREE* Canada
Australia & New Zealand 7 - 8 days FREE* Hong Kong
France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Ireland 3 - 6 days FREE* Germany
Spain 5 - 9 days FREE* Germany
Singapore 6 - 12 days FREE* Hong Kong
Sweden 4 - 8 days FREE* Germany
Norway 6 - 12 days FREE* Germany
Detailed list of all countries

*Free worldwide shipping to most countries (see details here) on €15+ orders.

An individual tracking number is provided with each order so that you can keep track of your order delivery updates.